St Cronan’s Association Nenagh raise money for North Tipperary Hospice
October 22nd, 2018St Cronan’s Association Nenagh raise money for North Tipperary Hospice

St Cronans Service, Melrose, Nenagh held a Coffee Morning on Thursday September 20th for North Tipperary Hospice. Present at the event are Board of Directors,Service Users, Families, Staff & Volunteers, Neighbours and Friends of St Cronans Service Nenagh. Photograph: Bridget Delaney
More than 50 members of the public attended our recent coffee morning held to raise money for the hospice in our services in Melrose, Nenagh. Mary Frend (Service Co-ordinator) was delighted with number of people who attended. Visitors included parents and their friends, people using services at RehabCare and Riverdale Nursing Home, Melrose neighbours and many people who staff and those using the Nenagh services have engaged with in the local community in recent years. A total of €561 was raised for North Tipp hospice. Mary explains “Days like this are so important as they allow us to reach out to the community, give something back and also empower the people who use our services to be active citizens and support local causes, in line with national policy New Directions.” We extend our thanks to The Thatch in Ballycommon for lending us many cups and plates to make the event possible and thanks to photographer Bridget Delaney who captured the event on camera.