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Archive for the ‘News’ Category

St. Cronans have the following Vacancies

January 28th, 2025

Click here to see our latest vacancies

St. Cronans Services have the following vacancies

September 10th, 2019

St. Cronans have the following vacancies. More details here

“Tipperary Teddy Predicts a win!”

August 16th, 2019

On Friday 16th August 2019, the Tipperary Teddy paid a visit to St. Cronan’s Roscrea. The people in St. Cronans take great pride in their communities and in their county as they gather in their county colours ahead of the All Ireland Final on Sunday. The people of St. Cronans would like to wish the Tipperary hurlers the very best of luck on Sunday.

Up the Premier!

Safer Internet Day at St. Cronans

February 5th, 2019

Safer Internet Day (SID) is an EU wide initiative to promote a safer internet for all users, especially young people. It is promoted in Ireland by the PDST Technology in Education and Web wise.

Therefore today in St. Cronans on Tuesday the 5th of February the group did various different learning activities based around “Together for a Better Internet” which is the theme for Safer Internet Day 2019.

The areas in which the group looked at were the internet safety awareness campaigns; internet safety, social media and our mobile phones. Over 100,000 young people across Ireland joined the celebrations last year and this year we wanted to be part of the celebrations in which we distributed #BeInCtrl wrist bands and being more educated around the area of internet safety.

St. Cronans CE Vacancies

September 11th, 2018

St. Cronans services have the following CE vacancies.

More details here.


St. Cronans Services ROOTS ABILITY Job Coach Required

July 26th, 2018


(Specified Purpose Fixed Term 33 month contract) 37 hours per week


St. Cronans Services have the following vacancies

June 25th, 2018

St. Cronans Services have the following vacancies

More details click here.

New Directions November 2017 Update

November 22nd, 2017

Please find attached a New Directions Bulletin from the HSE.  As you will see St. Cronans  are represented in the Mid-West and we will be seeking to be represented in the Midlands too.  We are also part of the community participation and social inclusion subgroup developing a plan for this topic nationally.


Red Unit’s visit to Tayto Park and Cuisle Holiday Centre

November 22nd, 2017

St Cronan’s Association’s Red Group Clients enjoying time in the sun on their weekend away at the Cuisle Holiday Centre, Donamon, Co Roscommon.

The Red Groups annual summer trip to Tayto Park

Red Group Social Project 2017

This year the Red Group  of St Cronans Services chose  to create a market stall as a project, the idea behind this was to allow the community to see some of the great work that the service users produce.

This took place at the local farmers market at Scart, Roscrea. Items for sale included vegtable plants,  flowers grown in the center garden, hanging baskets and flower tubs. Crafts included fairy houses picture frames, key holders, memo boards amongst many other items.

The market stall proved to be a great success with a lot of support from the local community.

HSE Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse National Policy & Procedures

September 25th, 2017

St. Cronans services abides by the national policy and procedures on safeguarding vulnerable persons at risk of abuse adopted by the HSE.  A copy of the HSE safeguarding vulnerable persons at risk of abuse national policy & procedures is available on the link below.