St Cronans Association CLG |

The Ability Programme is a programme that supports adults with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities +/ autism who are linked to St. Cronans Association CLG to gain access to volunteering, work experience, education and paid employment. The Ability Programme collaborates with local enterprises, community groups, families and charitable organisations to provide meaningful social roles within each person’s local community. The Ability Co-Ordinator & Job Coach support participants to realise their potential, plan their individual pathway and access appropriate local opportunities. As well as that, people on the Ability Programme have the opportunity to participate in the “My Employment Passport” module. The Ability Team works with employers to promote an inclusive workplace by carving specific roles to suit the needs & abilities of the person.

We Provide:

  • One to one support.
  • An individual Personal Progression Plan
  • Preparation for work
  • Training to develop practical skills
  • Real work experience
  • Job matching
  • On the job support and coaching
  • Guidance towards further education and training
  • Follow up support and mentoring

In the meantime, if you are interested in joining the 2nd intake of participants on the Ability programme in 2022, please contact Anne Strapp at /  087 332 6447 /

If you are an employer or a community organisation who may be able to offer one of our candidates employment, work experience or a volunteering role, please contact Anne Strapp /  087 332 6447 /

“This Project was approved by the Irish Government with support from the Dormant Accounts Fund.” .