St Cronans Association CLG |

Rehabilitative Training

Rehabilitative Training is designed for people with disabilities to equip participants with foundation level:- personal, social and work related skills. Attaining these skill enables the participants to progress to greater levels of independence and integration.

On completion of the Rehabilitative Training Programme the participants can expect to have attained the skills necessary to achieve any or all of the following possible outcomes:

  • Broader individualised independence
  • and/or
  • Make an informed choice as to future training or employment options
  • and/or
  • Advocate on behalf of oneself or for a group
  • and/or
  • Become an active and contributing citizen in their own community

Participants on the Rehabilitative Training Programme will engage in individualised programmes, developed through person centred planning and reviewed regularly throughout the course duration. A variety of modules, as selected by the individual, will be completed both on and off site. (Typical modules include travel training, food and cookery, computers, horticulture, arts and crafts, use of community facilities, health and fitness, off site courses, etc. All of our courses are QQI accredited and our staff are trained in QQI programme delivery.)

As part of the training programme, work experience options will be explored to expose service users to a variety of different employment options and to provide service users with the opportunities to use the skills they have learned in a real work setting.