St Cronans Association CLG |

How You Can Help & Support


There are many ways that volunteers can support our Association. If you have some spare time and or  you have a particular expertise that you wish to contribute then please contact our General Manager, we would love to hear from you.

The Application Procedure for Volunteers

  • Application Form
  • Three references
  • Garda clearance
  • Interview
  • Training & Supervision is provided.

Financial Support


There is a standing order form or direct debit mandate that can be made available to you. You can also send a cheque or postal order to our Accounts Department.

You may wish to join our Supporters Club Draw.

Please note:-

Some donations to St. Cronans Association Ltd can benefit from Tax relief. So donations to us means that we may now be able to make your generosity go further.


St. Cronans is a voluntary non-profit making organisation. Each year we organise a number of fundraising events. These include Street and Church Gate collections. We also receive donations from individuals and various community organisations who support our services through their fundraising activities.

You too can make a difference by donating to our Association and by so doing you will help to improve the variety and quality of service that each person may receive.

For further information on any of the above:-

Please contact us on or on 0505-21426.